Craig Bone

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Matopas ~ Matobo Hills

Matopas ~ Matobo Hills, Matabeleland Zimbabwe.

Matopas means ‘bald heads’ in the native language Ndebele.  Named this by King Mzilikazi referencing the shape of the large balancing granite boulders. The majestic Matobo Hills in south western Zimbabwe are the nations oldest National park.  The Matobo Hills have one of the highest concentrations of rock art in Southern Africa dating back at least 13,000 years. The paintings illustrate evolving artistic styles and a rich cultural tradition that has now disappeared.   Both King Mzilikazi and Cecil John Rhodes are buried in these hills. I hope my painting pays homage to the place, the artists that have gone before me, and to the every evolving artistic styles of the time.  Oil on canvas. Original painting by Craig Bone. This painting will be available for purchase at the SCI Convention, Nashville TN in February 2023. For more information contact me via the contact page. CB







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