I love gold ornate frames ❤️

Everyone knows that I love ornate gold frames. My Framer, Jim of ‘Michi’s Art and Frame’ Ft. Myers Fl, knows this and he will just randomly call and tell me he has found another one. #happy #goodframer #goldframe #giltframe #miniartshow

White Frame ~ Black Rhino

Rhino oil painting #wip Just checking frame sizes and suitability. Mind the dog toy. #framing options #framingofpaintings #craigboneartist #rhino #wildlifeartist

Storm Skittish

A beautiful stormy sky evokes a skittishness from this herd of Zebra in this atmospheric painting. Limited edition giclées available. #stormskittish #craigboneartist #wildlifeart #fineartgiclee #oilpainting #zebra

Selous Scouts Giclée and Flag now available

This is a dedication the the Selous Scouts. Formed by Capt (Lieutenant-Colonel) Ron Reid- Daly in 1973 .

Breaking with conventional military thinking the Selous Scouts refined the concept of the ‘pseudo operations’ in counter insurgency guerrilla warfare. Pamwe Chete!

Limited edition giclée in two sizes out of editions of /150

Printed Flags 63” x 35” available on the ‘Shop prints’ tab.

Purple Crested Loerie (turaco)

Purple Crested Loerie (turaco mini for the ‘Mini art show coming up soon. Oil on gesso board. 5” x 5” unframed, the beautiful frame is 2” bringing the entire picture size to a mere 9” x 9” #smallworksshow #bonefineart #craigboneartist #birds #wildlifeart

Hooded Vulture

Latest mini for the art show. Hooded Vulture, ^’ x 5.75”

I am happy to say that the Mini art show has now become a Craig, Maxine and Lauren Mini Bone Art Show. Lauren has two paintings so far, hopefully more. Follow for more details. #bonefineart #bonefamilyartshow #craigboneartist #maxineboneart #laurenbone #daughterswhopaint #prouddad

New small works framed

New work. Just framed. Getting together work for @maxineboneartist and my ‘Mini Show’ in a couple of weeks. Starting to get to the finish line. #smallworks #wildlifeart #craigboneartist #maxineboneartist